Stand out from the Competition through Green Retailing

Green retailing can be achieved through a combination of both green products and green practices:

• Manage energy by creating an energy-efficient retail space. Use energy-efficient lighting and equipment, and turn everything off when closing for the day. When possible, turn to daylighting to take advantage of natural lighting.
• Manage waste by reducing the amount of material used and recycling everything that can be reused. Provide your customers with reusable shopping bags and make paper receipts optional by e-mailing them instead. Reduce the amount of packaging used for your products.
• Clean green with eco-friendly products free of hazardous ingredients.
• Stock green, sustainable products free of non-renewable resources, and if possible purchase them from a local distributor to reduce the distance of transport.
• Get your staff on board by educating them about your policies and stressing to them that this is a company-wide initiative.

Reducing your store’s ecological impact through green retailing will benefit the environment while providing your business with a competitive advantage.

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